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Soaking Sprouts

  1. Soak your sprouts for 6 hours in a quart or gallon sized jar.
  2. Drain the water. Rinse in cold water. Drain again.
  3. Cover top of jar with cheesecloth, secure with elastic band and store the jar upside down at a 70 degree angle to allow for constant drainage.
  4. Rinse sprouts in fresh water at least 2 times daily. In hot weather 3 times daily.
  5. On the last day of growth, expose to light so they will naturally green.
  6. Drain the sprouts before harvesting them and store in refrigerator in airtight container.
  7. Enjoy!

Sprouting Chart

Seed AmountSoaking TimeHarvest Time
Alfalfa1 T/qt, 3 T/gal6 hours5-7 days
Fenugreek2 T/qt, t T/gal6 hours5-7 days
Lentil1/4 jar seed6 hours5-7 days
Mung Bean1/4 jar seed6 hours3-4 days
Radish1 T/qt, 3 T/gal6 hours3-4 days
Red Clover1 T/qt, 3 T/gal6 hours5-7 days
Sunflower1/4 jar seed6 hours1 1/2 to 2 days
Wheat2 T/qt, 4 T/gal6 hours3-4 days

Offered by Pat.
